遇到这么一个问题,不小心删除关键数据(delete),MySQL 没有备份且没有开 binlog。网上搜寻了一遍,发现可以使用 percona 的恢复工具解决,本文做个恢复步骤记录。
下载 网站 或 直接下载工具
安装 1 2 3 4 5 tar -xvf percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5.tar.gz cd percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/mysql-source./configure cd ..make
idb 处理 提取 ibd 物理文件,按照每页16K,存放。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ./page_parser -5 -f t_trans.ibd pages-1610078166/FIL_PAGE_INDEX pages-1610078166/FIL_PAGE_TYPE_BLOB
FIL_PAGE_INDEX 按照主键索引目录生成,要恢复的表索引id
获取索引 id 1 2 mysql> create table innodb_table_monitor(a int) engine=innodb;
log-error = /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 =========================================== 210108 13 :18:22 INNODB TABLE MONITOR OUTPUT =========================================== -------------------------------------- TABLE: name test/t_trans, id 51 , flags 1 , columns 28 , indexes 2 , appr.rows 942 COLUMNS: id: DATA_INT DATA_UNSIGNED DATA_BINARY_TYPE DATA_NOT_NULL len 8 ; transdate: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524559 len 8 ; mchid: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524559 len 15 ; refno: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524559 len 12 ; custacct: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 20 ; wtrq: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 8 ; djxh: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 32 ; name: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 32 ; zjlx: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 32 ; idno: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 32 ; rqrq: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 8 ; nsrsbh: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 20 ; swjylsh: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 32 ; payamount: DATA_FIXBINARY DATA_BINARY_TYPE len 9 ; zoneno: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 5 ; devno: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 20 ; type: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 2 ; channel: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 2 ; posserno: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 27 ; rzzh: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 20 ; returnCode: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 3 ; returnMessage: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 100 ; jftype: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 1 ; reqpack: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 528399 len 40960 ; respack: DATA_VARCHAR prtype 524303 len 255 ; DB_ROW_ID: DATA_SYS prtype 256 len 6 ; DB_TRX_ID: DATA_SYS prtype 257 len 6 ; DB_ROLL_PTR: DATA_SYS prtype 258 len 7 ; INDEX: name PRIMARY, id 77 , fields 4 /27, uniq 4 , type 3 root page 98364 , appr.key vals 942 , leaf pages 209 , size pages 289 FIELDS: id transdate mchid refno DB_TRX_ID DB_ROLL_PTR custacct wtrq djxh name zjlx idno rqrq nsrsbh swjylsh payamount zoneno devno type channel posserno rzzh returnCode returnMessage jftype reqpack respack INDEX: name Index_trans_sw_id, id 78 , fields 3 /4, uniq 4 , type 0 root page 98365 , appr.key vals 702 , leaf pages 4 , size pages 5 FIELDS: transdate mchid refno id ----------------------------------- END OF INNODB TABLE MONITOR OUTPUT ==================================
1 2 3 DB_TRX_ID - this field is managed by InnoDBinternally and contains a ID of transaction which changed a recordlast time DB_ROLL_PTR - one more internal InnoDB field (TODO: find out whatis it used for ). DB_ROW_ID - this internally used field should be the first field intables without primary keys (it is an auto-increment field used byInnoDB to identify rows in such tables)
上面信息可以知道,index_id 为 77,下面在恢复数据时需要用到
生成表结构 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ./create_defs.pl --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password 123456 --db test --table t_trans > include/table_defs.h
上面的命令会将 t_trans 表的表结构定义传入到 table_defs.h 中,在生成了表结构定义后,重新make该恢复工具
恢复数据 1 2 3 4 5 6 ./constraints_parser -D -5 -f pages-1610078166/ FIL_PAGE_INDEX/0-77/ > /tmp/ t_trans.txt
1 LOAD DATA INFILE '/mysql/percona-data-recovery-tool-for-innodb-0.5/dumps/default/t_trans' REPLACE INTO TABLE `t_trans` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES STARTING BY 't_trans\t' (id , transdate, mchid, refno, custacct, wtrq, djxh, name, zjlx, idno, rqrq, nsrsbh, swjylsh, payamount, zoneno, devno, type , channel, posserno, rzzh, returnCode, returnMessage, jftype, reqpack, respack);
/tmp/t_trans.txt 该文件就是我们需要 load data 的文本文件
导入数据 1 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/t_trans.txt' REPLACE INTO TABLE `t_trans` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES STARTING BY 't_trans\t' (id, transdate, mchid, refno, custacct, wtrq, djxh, name, zjlx, idno, rqrq, nsrsbh, swjylsh, payamount, zoneno, devno, type, channel, posserno, rzzh, returnCode, returnMessage, jftype, reqpack, respack);
总结 1)该恢复工具只支持innodb存储引擎,文件的格式需要为:Compact 2)数据被误删除后,需要尽快将保护现场,停止数据库,把idb文件拷贝出来,防止ibd文件写入数据被覆盖(笔者恢复的一个表中,由于数据删除后,表中仍有大量写入,导致大部分数据没有恢复出来); 3)千叮嘱万嘱咐,数据库的备份重于泰山;
reference 使用Percona Data Recovery Tool for InnoDB恢复数据