export GO111MODULE=off; xcode-select --install; go get -v github.com/therecipe/qt/cmd/... && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=false
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates github.com/therecipe/env_darwin_amd64_513 (download)
INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup test darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] INFO[0000] testing showcases/wallet INFO[0073] testing qml/gallery INFO[0094] testing quick/calc INFO[0113] testing widgets/textedit INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup prep' INFO[0000] successfully created qtrcc symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtrcc) INFO[0000] successfully created qtmoc symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtmoc) INFO[0000] successfully created qtminimal symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtminimal) INFO[0000] successfully created qtdeploy symlink in your PATH (/usr/local/bin/qtdeploy) INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup check darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] INFO[0000] GOOS: 'darwin' INFO[0000] GOARCH: 'amd64' INFO[0000] GOVERSION: 'go1.17.5' INFO[0000] GOROOT: '/Users/foo/.gobrew/versions/1.17.5/go' INFO[0000] GOPATH: '/Users/foo/go' INFO[0000] GOBIN: '/Users/foo/go/bin' INFO[0000] GOMOD: '' INFO[0000] QT_HASH: 'c0c124a5770d357908f16fa57e0aa0ec6ccd3f91' INFO[0000] QT_API: '' INFO[0000] QT_VERSION: '5.13.0' INFO[0000] QT_DIR: * '/Users/foo/go/src/github.com/therecipe/env_darwin_amd64_513' INFO[0000] QT_STUB: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_DEBUG: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_QMAKE_DIR: '' INFO[0000] QT_WEBKIT: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_STATIC: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_GEN_GO: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_GEN_OPENGL: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_GEN_QUICK_EXTRAS: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_RESOURCES_BIG: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_NOT_CACHED: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_HOMEBREW: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_MACPORTS: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_NIX: 'false' INFO[0000] QT_FELGO: 'false' INFO[0000] XCODE_DIR: '/Applications/Xcode.app' INFO[0000] QT_PKG_CONFIG: 'false' INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup generate darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] INFO[0003] generating full qt/core INFO[0017] generating full qt/androidextras INFO[0018] generating full qt/gui INFO[0034] generating full qt/network INFO[0039] generating full qt/xml INFO[0041] generating full qt/dbus INFO[0043] generating full qt/nfc INFO[0045] generating full qt/script INFO[0046] generating full qt/sensors INFO[0051] generating full qt/positioning INFO[0053] generating full qt/widgets INFO[0090] generating full qt/sql INFO[0093] generating full qt/macextras INFO[0094] generating full qt/qml INFO[0097] generating full qt/websockets INFO[0098] generating full qt/xmlpatterns INFO[0099] generating full qt/bluetooth INFO[0102] generating full qt/webchannel INFO[0103] generating full qt/svg INFO[0105] generating full qt/multimedia INFO[0119] generating full qt/quick INFO[0124] generating full qt/help INFO[0128] generating full qt/location INFO[0130] generating full qt/scripttools INFO[0131] generating full qt/uitools INFO[0132] generating full qt/webengine INFO[0135] generating full qt/testlib INFO[0136] generating full qt/serialport INFO[0137] generating full qt/serialbus INFO[0139] generating full qt/printsupport INFO[0142] generating full qt/designer INFO[0146] generating full qt/scxml INFO[0148] generating full qt/gamepad INFO[0150] generating full qt/purchasing INFO[0151] generating full qt/datavisualization [GPLv3] INFO[0157] generating full qt/charts [GPLv3] INFO[0167] generating full qt/virtualkeyboard [GPLv3] INFO[0169] generating full qt/speech INFO[0170] generating full qt/quickcontrols2 INFO[0171] generating full qt/sailfish INFO[0171] generating full qt/webview INFO[0171] generating full qt/remoteobjects INFO[0175] running: 'qtsetup install darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] INFO[0175] installing full qt/core INFO[0176] installing full qt/androidextras INFO[0176] installing full qt/gui INFO[0176] installing full qt/network INFO[0177] installing full qt/xml INFO[0177] installing full qt/dbus INFO[0177] installing full qt/nfc INFO[0178] installing full qt/script INFO[0178] installing full qt/sensors INFO[0178] installing full qt/positioning INFO[0178] installing full qt/widgets INFO[0179] installing full qt/sql INFO[0180] installing full qt/macextras INFO[0180] installing full qt/qml INFO[0180] installing full qt/websockets INFO[0181] installing full qt/xmlpatterns INFO[0181] installing full qt/bluetooth INFO[0181] installing full qt/webchannel INFO[0182] installing full qt/svg INFO[0182] installing full qt/multimedia INFO[0183] installing full qt/quick INFO[0184] installing full qt/help INFO[0185] installing full qt/location INFO[0185] installing full qt/scripttools INFO[0186] installing full qt/uitools INFO[0186] installing full qt/webengine INFO[0187] installing full qt/testlib INFO[0188] installing full qt/serialport INFO[0188] installing full qt/serialbus INFO[0188] installing full qt/printsupport INFO[0189] installing full qt/designer INFO[0189] installing full qt/scxml INFO[0190] installing full qt/gamepad INFO[0190] installing full qt/purchasing INFO[0190] installing full qt/datavisualization [GPLv3] INFO[0191] installing full qt/charts [GPLv3] INFO[0191] installing full qt/virtualkeyboard [GPLv3] INFO[0192] installing full qt/speech INFO[0192] installing full qt/quickcontrols2 INFO[0192] installing full qt/sailfish INFO[0193] installing full qt/webview INFO[0193] installing full qt/remoteobjects INFO[0193] installing full qt/internal/binding/runtime
In Module (per project) mode (to work around the GFW you can use a proxy like this: GOPROXY=https://goproxy.io)
export GO111MODULE=on; xcode-select --install; go get -v github.com/therecipe/qt && go install -v -tags=no_env github.com/therecipe/qt/cmd/... && go mod vendor && git clone https://github.com/therecipe/env_darwin_amd64_513.git vendor/github.com/therecipe/env_darwin_amd64_513 && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup
deploy 打包
therecipe/qt 打包方式是使用 vendor 目录打包,而不是使用最新的 go mod。我们要把所有的依赖放到 vendor 目录下